Saturday, July 12, 2014

Infrared Saunas Can Help With Lyme Disease

Sweat Out the Lyme Disease...

The skin is the largest organ in the body. It covers more than 20 square feet in an average adult and accounts for as much as 15% of our total body weight, more than any single internal organ. The average square inch of skin contains about 20 blood vessels, 60,000 melanocytes (which produce pigment), more than a thousand nerve endings, and 650 sweat glands. The skin has multiple functions, not the least of which is simply to hold your body together and prevent entrance of foreign objects and pathogens into the bloodstream and tissues. Often referred to as our third lung, the skin acts as an interface between our internal and the external environments as it regulates exchange processes like absorption and elimination. Skin is a semi permeable barrier through which your body can not only absorb substances but can also release them.

The skin detoxification pathway Sweating is one of the primary functions of the skin. It accomplishes both temperature regulation (cooling) and toxin removal. Your sweat is made up many different components. These include water (up to 99%), and substances like salt and other electrolytes, sugar, metabolic wastes like ammonia and urea, metals and heavy metals, and drug metabolites. Because our sweat can be as revealing as urine, sweat analysis is becoming an ever more common clinical procedure for detecting a multitude of substances in the body.

Sweat in humans is produced by two types of glands. The eccrine sweat glands are present over the entire surface of our bodies and are especially concentrated on the palms of our hands, soles of the feet, and the forehead. They produce sweat composed mostly of water and salts. Apocrine sweat glands are predominant in the armpits and genital area. Apocrine sweat contains protein and fatty materials and is the source of the sweat odor which is caused by bacterial breakdown of organic compounds.

When sweat glands are stimulated to increase production, they secrete a substance (sweat) which is synthesized from the fluid which fills the spaces between our body‘s cells (the interstitial spaces). This fluid comes from blood plasma leaked into the tissues by capillaries. Any circulating toxins present in the blood system are carried into the interstitial spaces along with the plasma. In this way toxins make their way into sweat, which is a filtrate of the plasma. Heat stress and exertional activities speed up the circulation of blood and thus accelerate the release of fluid into the interstitial spaces. This in turn prompts sweat glands to produce more toxin-laden sweat.

Most people living in modern times do not sweat very much. Lack of adequate exercise, the prevalence of climate control technology at home and in the workplace, and the non-physical nature of most jobs contribute to minimal sweating. Unfortunately, decreased sweating means decreased toxin removal.

Nenah Sylver, Ph.D., in her book The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy, cites several published scientific studies which illustrate the ability of the body to detoxify via sweat production. For example, from her book we know that nickel, mercury, and cadmium are eliminated more effectively through sweat than through urine. Also, people with known chemical exposure who have symptoms of peripheral neuropathy and/or multiple sclerosis can obtain between 90 and 99% reduction of symptoms through the skin detoxification pathway.

Check Out Good Health Saunas Healthy Living Brochure:

Read More about Infrared Saunas at our website:

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Infrared Saunas vs. Conventional Saunas

Why Choose Infrared Saunas?

All life needs energy, and the sun is the primary source of this energy. Infrared rays are just one part of the rays that make up the suns spectrum; they are the rays that actually warm your body when you are out in the sun.
Far-infrared radiant (FIR) heat provides all the healthy benefits of natural sunlight without any of the dangerous effects of solar radiation. FIR heat actually penetrates and warms the body, so the heat energy is not lost trying to warm the air. FIR heat is not ultraviolet radiation, but a narrow band of energy within the 5.6 to 15 micron level.
This type of energy travels 1½ - 2” deep into the body, increasing circulation and nourishing damaged tissue. The FIR heat emitted by far-Infrared energy treatment devices, such as, the GHS is a naturally occurring energy that heats objects by direct light conversion (DLC).This natural heat increases body temperature, which in turn stimulates and improves the immune system.
The FIR heat emitted in the GHS may induce two to three times the sweat volume of conventional saunas, and they operate at a much cooler air temperature range. Many individuals who cannot tolerate a conventional sauna, steam room or sweat lodge will find GHS pleasant.
The lower heat range is also safer for those with cardiovascular risk factors or fragile health. The Far-Infrared energy device we recommend uses the same heat therapy technology used in sports medicine to treat athletic injuries.
Hospitals use FIR heat to keep newborn infants warm and health professionals have used red infrared heat lamps for decades to treat muscle and joint problems.

In a GHS infrared sauna, far-infrared heat is used to directly penetrate the body’s tissues to a depth of over 1½ inches,right into the muscle.

It's energy output is tuned to correspond so closely to the body’s own radiant energy that our bodies absorb close to 93% of the infrared waves that reach our skin.

A conventional sauna (steam sauna) must rely only on indirect means of heat; First heating the air, which then comes indirect contact with the skin to produce its healing effects on us.

This effect can mean sitting in a room temperature of over 200°. With far- infrared heat, and our unique combination of Ceramic and Carbon Panels, less than 20% of the far-infrared energy heats the air, keeping temperatures at a more comfortable 65°-140°.

This leaves over 80% of the energy to be directly converted to heat within our bodies.

Far-Infrared Sauna can warm its user(s) to a much greater depth much more efficiently than a conventional sauna.

More information visit our website:

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Health Benefits of Saunas

Good Health Saunas hopes everyone had a GREAT Christmas!  NOW it's time to start thinking about those NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS!  Having a sauna routine is very beneficial to your health and a GREAT Resolution.  Most people know what they want to do to improve their health or life but how many people actually keep their promise to themselves? What is more easier than relaxing in a sauna for a few minutes a day?

Good Health Saunas has many health benefits. It's a great way to detox all those unwanted toxins in your body. It may help with pain management, burn calories, heart disease, stress, and many more.  To find out more benefits visit our website

Daily, we're exposed to thousands of toxins.  As studies in 9/11 response workers show, sweating is one of the most efficient ways of reducing the body's toxic burden.  Let Good Health Saunas help you.  Here is a great article to backup the benefits of a infrared sauna.

The Health Benefits of Saunas 
by Dr. Julian Whitaker

Study of 9/11 Rescue Workers One of the most recent studies of this program is the New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project. When the World Trade Center buildings collapsed on September 11, 2001, massive amounts of toxins were released, and the firemen, policemen, and other rescue and cleanup workers bore the brunt of this environmental disaster.

As you might expect, acute respiratory distress was common in this group. However, over the subsequent weeks and months, a significant number of these individuals experienced a wide range of health issues, including gastrointestinal complaints, worsening pulmonary problems, depression, irritability, and cognitive disorders.

From September 2002 through September 2005, more than 500 of these rescue workers, the majority of them firefighters between the ages of 35 and 45, completed this sauna detox program, and the results were astounding.

Before treatment, which averaged 33 days, they missed a median of 2.1 days of work per month and had 4.4 days of limited activity. Symptom severity scores—which rated 10 systems, including skin, respiratory, emotional, cognitive, and musculoskeletal—were high, and half of the participants were taking drugs to manage their symptoms.

After treatment, the number of days of missed work or limited activity fell to 0.2, symptom scores dropped dramatically, and 84 percent of participants had discontinued all their drugs because their symptoms had cleared up. They also had significant improvements in thyroid function, balance, reaction time, and even IQ!

Other conditions for which sauna is proving to be helpful include:
Chronic fatigue
Mild depression
Rheumatoid arthritis
Musculoskeletal pain
Skin conditions

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Good Health Saunas would like to wish everyone a wonderful new year filled with abundance, joy, and treasured moments. With all that joy in the air, it's time to relax, and reflect on the past year while sitting in your Good Health Sauna. 

Many of you are starting to think of your New Year' Resolution already.  Get healthy by detoxing in your sauna.  You don't need to swallow pills, start a stringent diet or use obscure patches or a detox product to clean out your body and start looking and feeling better.  I think infrared therapy is a healthier solution. It gives you an all natural body detoxification. Everybody is talking about infrared saunas and the amazing effect they have on your health, but few people know about the natural purifying and regenerating power they have for your body. One liter of sweat in an ordinary sauna contains approximately 3% toxins, in an infrared sauna this is 20%! 

Read more on our website: