Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Health Benefits of Saunas

Good Health Saunas hopes everyone had a GREAT Christmas!  NOW it's time to start thinking about those NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS!  Having a sauna routine is very beneficial to your health and a GREAT Resolution.  Most people know what they want to do to improve their health or life but how many people actually keep their promise to themselves? What is more easier than relaxing in a sauna for a few minutes a day?

Good Health Saunas has many health benefits. It's a great way to detox all those unwanted toxins in your body. It may help with pain management, burn calories, heart disease, stress, and many more.  To find out more benefits visit our website

Daily, we're exposed to thousands of toxins.  As studies in 9/11 response workers show, sweating is one of the most efficient ways of reducing the body's toxic burden.  Let Good Health Saunas help you.  Here is a great article to backup the benefits of a infrared sauna.

The Health Benefits of Saunas 
by Dr. Julian Whitaker

Study of 9/11 Rescue Workers One of the most recent studies of this program is the New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project. When the World Trade Center buildings collapsed on September 11, 2001, massive amounts of toxins were released, and the firemen, policemen, and other rescue and cleanup workers bore the brunt of this environmental disaster.

As you might expect, acute respiratory distress was common in this group. However, over the subsequent weeks and months, a significant number of these individuals experienced a wide range of health issues, including gastrointestinal complaints, worsening pulmonary problems, depression, irritability, and cognitive disorders.

From September 2002 through September 2005, more than 500 of these rescue workers, the majority of them firefighters between the ages of 35 and 45, completed this sauna detox program, and the results were astounding.

Before treatment, which averaged 33 days, they missed a median of 2.1 days of work per month and had 4.4 days of limited activity. Symptom severity scores—which rated 10 systems, including skin, respiratory, emotional, cognitive, and musculoskeletal—were high, and half of the participants were taking drugs to manage their symptoms.

After treatment, the number of days of missed work or limited activity fell to 0.2, symptom scores dropped dramatically, and 84 percent of participants had discontinued all their drugs because their symptoms had cleared up. They also had significant improvements in thyroid function, balance, reaction time, and even IQ!

Other conditions for which sauna is proving to be helpful include:
Chronic fatigue
Mild depression
Rheumatoid arthritis
Musculoskeletal pain
Skin conditions

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Good Health Saunas would like to wish everyone a wonderful new year filled with abundance, joy, and treasured moments. With all that joy in the air, it's time to relax, and reflect on the past year while sitting in your Good Health Sauna. 

Many of you are starting to think of your New Year' Resolution already.  Get healthy by detoxing in your sauna.  You don't need to swallow pills, start a stringent diet or use obscure patches or a detox product to clean out your body and start looking and feeling better.  I think infrared therapy is a healthier solution. It gives you an all natural body detoxification. Everybody is talking about infrared saunas and the amazing effect they have on your health, but few people know about the natural purifying and regenerating power they have for your body. One liter of sweat in an ordinary sauna contains approximately 3% toxins, in an infrared sauna this is 20%! 

Read more on our website: